

Youth Crusade Concludes with Baptism

We have had an exciting two weeks during the "Jesus or Nuttin" youth crusade at the Grant's Town Church. The drama presentations were thought provoking, and the sermons were spiritually stimulating.

As a result of the timely presentations of the various speakers and the power of the Holy Spirit, eleven precious souls were baptized, and hundreds pledged to develop a closer relationship with Jesus. The meetings concluded with all who were present making a commitment to meet in heaven.

Fear Immobilizes
During his final sermon, Pastor Bryan used the experience of the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego to illustrate the point that most of what happens to us can be attributed to the choices we make. He explained that some of us are plagued by fear. And fear causes us to live below our potentials and abilities. Fear kills our dreams, steals our joy, and destroys relationships. According to Pastor Bryan, fear is "the devil's darkroom where he takes us to develop his negatives."

Fear is not of God
If we study the Bible carefully, we will discover that fear is not of God. In 2 Timothy 1:7, we read these words: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." So we can choose to be trapped by fear of whatever, or we can choose to allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to overcome fear.

Hebrew Boys Challenged
When the three Hebrew young men (Shadrach Meshach and Abednego) were challenged by Nebuchadnezzar's order to bow down and worship the golden image, they were not afraid. They were not concerned about what might happen to them as a result of their choice. Because they had a close relationship with God, they trusted Him completely; so they resigned themselves to whatever He allowed (Daniel 3:17-18). We need this kind of faith to believe and the courage to obey God rather than man.

God Still Delivers
Whatever we are going through, if we believe God's Word, He is able to deliver us. He is still in the business of delivering those who are faithful to deliver us. We have been created with the power of choice, so we can choose to be faithful to Him. To a large extent the choices we make determine what eventually happens to us.

Pastor T. Basil Sturrup Accepts Call
Pastor T. Basil Sturrup, a departmental director and pastor in the Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, has accepted a call to serve as Pastor of the Northern Caribbean University Church, Mandeville, Jamaica. As pastor of the church at Northern Caribbean University, Pastor Sturrup will be responsible for the pastoral care of the faculty, students and community members of the church. We wish Pastor Sturrup and his family great success and God's blessings as they leave the Bahamas to take up this new assignment. -Administration

Vacation Bible School at Grant’s Town
The end of Vacation Bible School (VBS) is always met with mixed reactions. This year was no exception. At the beginning of the week, everyone looked forward to the day when it should be over! But as we worked with the children, I got caught up in the flurry of activities. One of our teachers, Teora Maurry, displayed her acting skills as she portrayed various Bible characters.

Alexandria and Brittany Scott displayed their culinary skills as they helped the children make snacks. One of the most interesting items was chocolate muffins! They were designed to portray the three Hebrew boys! They used Teddy Grahams, chocolate and whipped cream to design some intersting ‘scupltures’ which they stuffed in the muffins. I assisted in the craft department. Each child had at least four crafts to carry home at the end of the day. My fondest memory would be working with one of the littlest darlings to make puppets. After she made hers, she was terrified of it!! But she was a trooper; she did not want to leave in spite of it!
Our games coordinators were Lyantally Perpall and Danielle Deveaux. I don't know who had the most fun, the coordinators or the children! I do know that both sure had a whole lot of energy! Kudos to Sis. Forbes, Sis. McCoy, Sis Miller and the rest of the team for a job well done. -Johnette Brown

Condolence to the Burrows Family
The president, other officers and workers of the Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists extend their condolences to the family of Brother Arnold Burrows who passed away at his home on Friday morning, July 28, 2006. Brother Burrows was a long standing and faithful member of the Hillview Church. We pray that his family will be comforted in knowing that he served his God and the church well. The funeral service will be held at the Hillview Church tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. - Administration


Pastor Scavella Speaks at Quebec Camp Meeting
Pastor Paul Scavella, Health Ministries Director and Men's Ministry Coordinator of the Bahamas, was the guest speaker for the Quebec Conference English Speaking Sector Camp Meeting in Montreal, Canada, July 19 - 23, 2006. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Paul in the opening evening's service challenged the members to be good soldiers of the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Two Shall Become One
On Sunday, June 25, 2006 our colleague Alerine Munnings, Secretary at Bahamas Academy Elementary married Okell Damastus at the Bethany Seventh-day Adventist Church, where they are both members. Officiating Ministers were Pastors Leo C. Rolle and T. Basil Sturrup. The couple asks that you keep them in your prayers as they begin their new life together. Congratulations! -Administration

Real Harvest Crusade on Course
We are just about seven weeks away from the beginning of the Real Harvest Crusade. This island-wide evangelistic outreach is scheduled to begin on Saturday night, September 23, 2006. While we request your prayers for the success of the meetings, it is expected that every member will invite someone to attend. The signs in the economic, social, physical, political and the religious world tell us that the end is very near. Therefore, we need to be ready and also help others to be ready for the coming of the Lord. Keep watching this page for more details regarding the location and time of the meetings.

Combined Choir Rehearsal for Real Harvest Crusade Continues
Combined Choir rehearsal for the upcoming Real Harvest Crusade continues tomorrow, Sunday, August 6, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Grant’s Town Church. All workshop choir members, senior/youth choir members, singing groups, soloists, musicians, and persons interested in singing are invited. Persons who do not attend rehearsals should not expect to minister in the Choir during the course of the Crusade. Lots of new material is being taught! Thank you for your cooperation. M. Knowles/A. Mason/N. Bain

Nadia To Host Benefit Concert
On Sabbath, August 12, at 7:00 p.m. at the Hillview Church, Nadia King will host a concert to assist her with funds to continue her education at Montemorelos University. Admission is free, however, a love offering will be collected. Your support is solicited.

August Monday Holiday Conference-wide Family Fun Day at QE Sports Centre
August Monday Celebrations -bringing back the spirit of the old days using todays flavor. You must be there and plan to participate in this family afflair at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre. Activities begin from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fun games such as Tug-O-war, 3-Legged Race, Pastor’s Race, Deacons, Deaconesses and Elders races -and much much more. - Lester Stuart

Educational Assistance
Terry Tanis is having a cookout in aid of his education on August 18, from 12 noon to 6:00 p.m. at the Home of Gilbert Kemp on Farrington Road. For more information call Linda Carey at 392-6572 or Terry at 636-7373

Adventist Workers’ Meeting
All employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are requested to attend Workers’ meeting on Sunday, August 27, 2006, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue to be announced. -Administration

Calling all Alumni of Bahamas Academy
All former students of Bahamas Academy are invited to share in the development of the multimillion dollar new school on Marshall Road. You can help make this project a reality by giving your financial support or skills for the development of the project. The new school will have modern classrooms, official size swimming pool, track and field, well equipped library, computer and science labs, practical arts center and much more. Construction on the building is progressing, but we need more help to complete the project according to plan. Make your contribution to Bahamas Academy, Wulff Road, or send your checks to P.O.Box N-356 Nassau, Bahamas. Visit the website: www.bahamasacademy.org.

Grand Bahama Academy Teaching Position
The Grand Bahama Academy invites qualified applicants for teaching positions in the elementary school, (grades 1 to 6), for September 2006. A successful applicant must:
● Be a practising Seventh-day Adventist.
●Have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in the appropriate subject areas.
●Have a valid Teacher’s Certificate
●Be a team player with strong work ethics.
Application must be made in writing together with a full curriculum vitae, a recent colour photograph and at least three references, one being that of your church Pastor. Send application to Mrs. Desiree T. Rolle-Forbes, Principal, Grand Bahama Academy of SDA , P.O. BOX F-60008, Freeport, Grand Bahama

School of Evangelism
The next meeting will be on Sunday, August 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Hillview Church. -Elder Curtis Bryan, Class President

Opportunity for Student Literature Evangelists
Students who need assistance with their school fees are invited to contact the Publishing director of Bahamas Conference at the Conference Office immediately. Through the distribution of the Listen magazine, students can earn money toward their school expenses. This is an opportunity for students to develop their communication and public relations skills while satisfying their financial needs. The student who is willing to put in the time and effort and prays earnestly is guaranteed success. Call 341-4021 or stop by the Conference Office for more information.

Youth Activities
●Back-2-Basics Camp
Pathfinder/Adventurer camp August 13 to 20 at Camp BAMIVOCA. Registration forms are available at the conference office, and the Pathfinder/Adventurer leaders. This is the last week to register.
●There will be a meeting for ALL Pathfinder Officers at the Campsite on Sunday morning, August 13, 2006 at 7:00 a.m. -Sean-Ray Jennings
●All invested Masterguides/Counselors interested in volunteering for the upcoming Adventurer/Pathfinder Summer Camp (August 13 - 20), are requested to register with the Youth Department at the Conference Office. -Barry Saunders
●W.I.U / I.A.D Youth Bible Bowl
Run-offs for the W.I.U. / I.A.D Bible bowl will be held on Friday evening, September 8th. Each church or A.Y. Department is asked to have one person prepared. The winner at this run-off will represent the Bahamas Conference at the West Indies Union level in October of this year. The Books of Study are the four gospels (New International Version (NIV)). The age category is 15 – 30.
Please register the name and church with the Youth Department at the Conference Office.
●Pulpit Etiquette Seminar
Persons who participated and completed the Pulpit Etiquette Seminar, which was conducted earlier this year at the Grant’s Town Church, are asked to meet at the Grant’s Town Church on Sabbath, August 12 at 5:30 p.m. for a brief graduation and presentation of certificates.
●The SDA Softball Association launches its softball league in a grand opening on Sunday, August 13, 2006. All team rosters and fees are due by August 10. Teams interested in playing are urged to send a representative to an important meeting on August 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Grant’s Town Church. All ladies softball teams are asked to send a representatives to the above meeting, to finalize plans for an SDA Softball Ladies League. -Lester Stuart

Lay Evangelist on The Move
Lay Evangelists Sam Markland, Karen White and David Williams are in the Eleuthera district of Seventh-day Adventist on a missionary trip this weekend of August 4 to 7, 2006. Should you wish to share part of your vacation and do some lay missionary work in the Family Islands call Dave Willaims at 322-4914.

Women's Ministries Retreat
Registration for the annual women's Ministries Retreat is now in progress. Application forms are available from your WM Leader. - M. Knowles, Director, WM
Hour of Gospel Music The Hour of Gospel Music at the Mary Ingraham Home is held weekly on Sabbath from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. Today the New Englerston Church and next week the Maranatha Church is scheduled.

Congratulations to Marlin Award Winners
Harmonious Praise has recently won a category in the Marlin Awards," Contempory Vocal Performance Of The Year For a Group/Duo. Continue your constant prayers for Our Ministry. A New Compilation Cd has been released by H.P. For more information contact Us @ harmoniouspraise@hotmail.com, 3648835 or 3641715.

Congratulations to Sis. Darlene Edwards of the Grant’s Town Church, who has successfully completed her Masters of Arts Degree in Education with emphasies in Curriculum and Instruction at Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville Jamaica. She will be participating in the graduation exercises on August 13, 2006. Your prayers are requested.

Adventist Men practice at the Living Faith Church, Old Trail Road, tomorrow, Sunday, August 6 at 9:00 a.m.

Prayer Meeting
There will be a very important Prayer Meeting, Sunday, September 3, 2006 at the Breath of Life Church, Marshall Road beginning at 6 a.m. All persons signed up during the Prayer Session at Midyear Convention are asked to be in attendance. -Pastor Peter Joseph

V.B.A. makes a Difference
The men and women who are members of V.B.A. continue to assist the Conference in its building programme. You can be a part of this dedicated group of volunteers. Call the president, Mr. Winston Ash, at 394-1063 and offer your service.

Sun sets today at 7:59 p.m.
Sun sets next Sabbath at 7:55 p.m.